Friday, June 30, 2017

"You're a wonder, Wonder Woman!"

I had the opportunity to see “Wonder Woman” yesterday.  I have to tell you that I love this film.  I could go on and on with acclaim for this movie, but let me boil it down to one key element.  In order to do this, I’m going to shift gears and talk about something that seems to be off topic, but stick with me, because it isn’t.

There is a you tube channel called “How It Should Have Ended”; it features a comedic, animated parody re-imagining the ending of specific films.  One strand of this channel is entitled “Super Cafe” where Batman and Superman sit down at a cafe together and banter with each other.  I love the video from a few years ago where the two heroes are reacting to the trailer of “Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice”.  They argue about who is going to win in their battle.  Superman essentially says that Batman could never hurt him.  But Batman disagrees, and Superman challenges him to prove it.  Batman doesn’t even move; he simply says, “Man of Steel was not inspiring.”  Superman appears to be on the verge of tears, and then replies, “Now, that’s just hurtful.”

The video is intended to be comedic, but nevertheless, I have to agree with Batman’s analysis.  Personally, I liked “Man of Steel” more than others seem to, but I do concede that you didn’t leave the theatre feeling inspired.  For a film that revolves around the first – and perhaps best – superhero, that’s problematic.  This was the cinematic world that Wonder Woman was born into.  The movie that followed: “Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice” certainly had its moments of greatness, but ultimately it didn’t fare too much better in the inspirational department either.  However, “Wonder Woman” is very inspiring!

I titled this blog “You’re a wonder, Wonder Woman.”  It’s a line from the theme song from the Wonder Woman TV show starring Lynda Carter.  Wonder Woman is certainly a wonder in this film as well!  She is faithful to her mission, no matter how difficult it may be.  She fights for those who can’t fight for themselves.  She is selfless, brave, heroic, and yes, inspirational.  I submit that “Wonder Woman” is the best superhero film to come out in years.


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