Monday, June 8, 2020

"Father knows best"

God’s way is always the best way.  That’s a truth that, quite frankly, I have built my life upon.   But knowing this doesn't mean that life is going to be easy.  Life with God is incredible, but it is usually bumpy and turbulent.  Let me give some examples from my life right now:

There’s the grief that has been hitting me as the five-year anniversary of my dad’s passing away looms on the horizon.  Further, time off from work has been usurped by surprises like a clogged sink that took my brother and me hours to fix.  I have also experienced acute shoulder pain, sleep issues, and chiropractor visits.  But even though all of this is happening, I rest in the truth that God’s way is always the best way.

Decades ago, I tried my hand at writing fiction.  I wrote probably a dozen Batman stories.  None of them were very good (although I did write a standalone Catwoman story that was better than the Catwoman movie starring Halle Barry.  But, I digress).  Suppose that Batman and Robin were able to converse with each other, like the toys could in the “Toy Story” film series.  Pretend that there have been a string of disappoints and setbacks for the Dynamic Duo in one of my stories.  After a particularly bleak chapter, Batman and Robin are frustrated.  With that in mind, let’s listen in to their conversation:

“Can you believe this writer?”  Robin asks.  “Can you believe what he has been doing to us?  The direction this guy is taking us in is wrong.  It’s so sad; it’s pathetic.”  “Yes,” Batman replies.  “It’s quite clear that he has no idea what he is doing.  He doesn’t understand what is good for us, or for Gotham City.”  “I almost feel like I should write the story myself,” Robin continues.  “I would do a much better job than he ever could.”  At this point, Alfred speaks up.  He says, “If I may, ponder this: the writer cares for you both.  Trust him.  He knows what he is doing. I’m sure he will make things right.”

From our vantage point, we humans won’t understand why God allowed some things to occur, but God is worthy – not just of our praise and worship, but also our trust.  I love Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.”  In every Batman story I ever wrote, justice, righteousness, and good ultimately prevailed; similarly, God knows what He is doing.  And, to quote the beloved TV show title, “Father knows best.”

Let me conclude with this.  Next month, Pastor Rick Ferguson will have been in Heaven for 18 years now.  In July of 2002, he passed away at age 46 in a car accident.  My parents and I had the privilege of sitting under his teachings for several years.  He often said from the pulpit that God could run his life a whole lot better than he ever could.  Further, he said that if it were left to up to him to run his life on his own, the result would just be a train wreck.  I echo the same thought for myself.  These have not been easy days.  Even so, I trust in God, no matter what.

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