Tuesday, June 2, 2020

My dad's best of collection - #1

It is June now.  We are coming up on some significant – and bittersweet – events.  The first is Father’s Day, and the second is the fifth anniversary of my father’s unexpected passing away.  So for the next two months, I plan to look back at some memorable blogs that honor my dad.  The Bible says to honor your father and mother (Exodus 20:12), and that’s what I want to do.  But I also desire to honor my Heavenly Father in this “best of” blog content as well.

For today, I want to begin sharing some blogs that my dad actually picked out.  In 2014, he chose three blogs that, in his mind, were highlights of this blog.  This first one was written back in 2013.  It was titled “Chivalry is not dead.”

One of the creeds that I live by is this short phrase: ladies first.  I make it my habit to open the door for ladies, let them walk ahead of me, and offer to help them if they are carrying a heavy object.  Chivalry isn’t quite dead yet!
By the way, I have to say this: when I open the door for women or carry something heavy for them, I’m not in any way implying that they are incapable of doing these activities on their own.  Women are more than capable.  I once heard a youth pastor explain that when he opens the door for his wife, he is not doing so because she is unable to open a simple door; he does so to honor her.  I agree.  I’m attempting to honor women, not demean them.

A part of the reason I’m bringing this up today is because, not too long ago, I saw a segment on chivalry on “The Steve Harvey Show.”  He was attempting to train a group of young men to be gentlemen.  At one point, he mentioned something that I had never previously considered.  He said always open the car door for a woman and let her enter the vehicle first, only then you should enter your side of the car…That way, she is protected and safe in the car if anything dangerous happens.  Great thought, Mr. Harvey, thanks.

A few months later, I mentioned this particular blog again.  It was in a blog installment that, for some reason, I deleted.  (Sometimes I lose my presence of mind, what more can I say?)  So let me post that one again here.  For the sake of brevity, I won’t include the part where I mention the just cited blog, but I do say this in a blog I had titled “Ladies first.”

I recently heard a teenage girl call in to a radio talk show and essentially state that chivalry is dead.  She said she is in college and she can’t find a man who will open the door for her at her campus.  Notice she wants to experience male chivalry and apparently she doesn’t.  As a man who wants to be known as being gallant and thoughtful, I found this girl’s observations very distressing... I don’t want to hear a teenage girl comment that no man will open a door for her.  So, gentlemen, what do you say we show the women in our lives how much we love and appreciate them by performing a fundamental act of simple politeness?  Let’s resolve to open the door for a woman.


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