Thursday, June 11, 2020

Five sports stories (2015-2020)

My dad loved sports.  He enjoyed viewing it, playing it back in the day, and he even had a segment of sharing the sports for his vocation as radio announcer.  So in honor of this, I thought I would share five sports stories that have occurred since his “home-going” in 2015.  I’m aware that there are even more stories that I could have cited, but these are the cream of the crop, as I see it.

#1: I recently spoke about Super Bowl 48, which saw the Denver Broncos get pummeled by the Seattle Seahawks.  Well, two years later in Super Bowl 50, the Broncos returned and Denver won its first world championship in nearly 20 years.  In a game that featured a dazzling defense performance the Denver Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers 24-10.  Von Miller was the MVP.  Like John Elway before him, Peyton Manning got to ride off into the sunset as a world champion.

#2: The Chicago Cubs had one of those unenviable streaks: they had not won a World Series since 1908.  But that changed in 2016; the Chicago Cubs defeated the Cleveland Indians 8-7 in a memorable winner-take-all Game 7.  One of the interesting facts of this series was the Cubs were down 3 games to 1 at one point.  But they continued to fight and ultimately, win it all.  How wild.  Or, to quote the title of Al Michaels biography, “You can’t make this up”.

One last note: in the film “Back to the Future: Part 2” Marty time traveled from the year 1985 to 2015.  He sees the announcement that the Cubs had just won the World Series.  It was intended to be an unlikely sports achievement to develop the plot of the movie, and it certainly works in that respect.  Yet in real life, this feat actually happened only it was in 2016.

#3: So be honest: if you were watching a Super Bowl and your team was ahead 28-3 midway through the 3rd quarter, wouldn’t you be tempted to think that the game was over?  That was where the Atlanta Falcons fans found themselves in Super Bowl 51.  But the New England Patriots mounted the most improbable comeback, and won the game in overtime 34-28.  In my mind, there has never been a crazier, more unpredictable, or unlikely Super Bowl than this one.  I know my dad would have had a lot to say about this game.

#4: Almost a year ago today (6/13/19), the Toronto Raptors defeated the Golden State Warriors 114-110 to secure the first championship in their history.  Amazingly, Golden State was seeking to win their third championship in a row.  The Golden State Warriors have certainly had a lot of success in the postseason of late, but the Raptors showed us, yet again, that the underdog can win it all.

#5: The Kansas City Chiefs were sort of like the Chicago Cubs of football.  They had won a Super Bowl, but it was way back in the 1960’s.  That is, until this last NFL season.  Super Bowl 54 featured the Kansas City Chiefs defeating the San Francisco 49ers by a score of 31-20.  Behind the play of Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes, and a resilient Kansas City team, the Chiefs drought finally ended.  Interestingly, the Chiefs faced double-digit deficits in all three of their postseason games, but the Chiefs were unflappable and simply would not be denied.


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