Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Thoughts on "Unsung Hero" movie

Last week, I finally had the great privilege of seeing the film “Unsung Hero”.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have been a big fan of Rebecca St. James for a long time now; this film is based on the true story of how God took care of her, her siblings, and her parents - David and Helen – when their family first moved to the United States. 

I could go on and on detailing why I enjoyed this movie, or the various scenes where I found myself in tears (keep your Kleenex handy, for sure).  However, rather than belabor this, let me just state that someone asked me what my favorite scene in the movie was: I answered that it was when young Rebecca (played exceptionally well by Kirrilee Berger) showcased her singing talent to a record label, and was subsequently signed to a deal, launching her ministry and career.

The song that was performed in that poignant scene was one that Rebecca had written called “You make everything beautiful” (technically, in real life, this song wouldn’t be written until 2011, several years later, but for the moment and the overall context of the film, it was picture perfect to include it here).  For one thing, this song shows Rebecca’s humility, faith, and dependence on God.  Take, for instance, this stanza:

“Grant me serenity, Lord, and patience, for things will take time.  Grant me freedom to walk a new path, and let me feel Your love.  In my weakness You can shine; in Your strength, I can fly.  [Chorus] And You make everything, everything beautiful; You make everything, everything new.  In its time, in Your time, it’s beautiful.”  I nearly lifted my hands in worship to God, right there in the movie theater, with this portion of the song: “Lifting open hands to You, my Savior; beautify my soul.  Knowing You redeem my pain and failure; purify my soul.  Beautify my soul.”

In conclusion, I am recommending the film “Unsung Hero” to you.  It showcases a family coming together in the midst of an immensely trying crisis; it also demonstrates other vital elements in life such as prayer, gratitude, generosity, and forgiveness.  Ultimately, however – in my opinion anyway – this is a film that shows the power of God to provide for His own; to do “exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

God bless,


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