Monday, June 6, 2011

Thou shalt not work nonstop

The late preacher, Ron Mehl, once wrote a wonderful book called “Right with God: Loving Instruction from the Father’s Heart.”  In that book, Mehl goes through each of the Ten Commandments.  Even from the title, one can tell that Mehl’s view is that the Ten Commandments are not given because God is trying to be mean or restrictive; rather Mehl repeatedly says that the Ten Commandments are written out of God's incredible love for mankind.  This is certainly true regarding the commandment not to do any work on the Sabbath.
 At Chick-fil-A, we have a device that we call “headset.”  This is something we wear that enables us to communicate with the cars that pull up to the speaker in the drive-thru to place their order.  Periodically, the battery that we use to power the headset begins to wane.  When this happens, we take the battery out and put in a battery charger, and then we put a new battery in the headset and continue on with taking orders.  Do you already get the application?  Like the headset batteries, we need to have times to rest.  We need to have times, as it were, to “recharge our batteries.”      
By the way, just to clarify: when I say rest I don’t mean just sleeping.  Although sleep is definitely a great gift from God and is vitally important to functioning properly in life, specifically I’m talking about relaxation.  I’m talking about purposefully unplugging from the deadlines, pressures, and challenges of life and taking time to just relax, unwind, and rest.  This is not a waste of time; this is actually a command from God.
Kevin Bauer

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