Friday, July 22, 2011

My "Captain America" review

I watched “Captain America: The First Avenger” starring Chris Evans as Captain America today.  I'm certainly not an official movie reviewer by any means, but I wanted to give my personal opinion of the film. 
Let me start with the good points.  There are positive messages conveyed in the flick.  For instance, Steve Rogers (Captain America’s alter ego) is literally a ninety-pound weakling at the beginning of the movie.  But he is chosen, because of the heroism that he exhibits, to be injected with a “super soldier serum.”  This serum transforms him into Captain America.  Thus a big underpinning of the movie is the clear message that someone can be a hero because of who he is on the inside, not necessarily because he fits the physical stereotype of a hero.
A second positive aspect of the film is Steve Rogers’ humility.  Contrary to other characters we’ve seen, Rogers never goes around prattling on endlessly about how wonderful he is.  Rather he follows the advice of Proverbs 27, to let another man’s lips praise him. 
As for the unfavorable elements, let me caution parents that this movie is not at all for young children.  It is rated PG-13.  While thankfully the language is very minimal, there’s more blood than I would have liked to see.  Plus the main villain, Red Skull, might frighten younger viewers. Secondly, in one disappointing scene, a despondent Rogers tries to get drunk, and realizes that because of the super soldier serum, he can’t.
However, having said this, I don’t set my expectations on seeing a perfect movie in Hollywood.  The fact is, there are definitely some compelling reasons to watch this film.  Heroism is to be applauded and you certainly get to see it in Captain America.  In short, if you enjoy viewing superhero movies, you should enjoy watching this flick.

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