Friday, July 15, 2011

A wonderful character from the Bible

I thank God for the men and women from the Word of God that we can learn from.  One person that is a big inspiration for a lot of Christians is Peter.  This is a man that at one point told Jesus, “Lord, I am willing to go with you to prison and to death” (Luke 22:33) and yet just a few verses later, three times Peter disavows any knowledge of even knowing Jesus (Luke 22:54-62).  This is a regrettable episode in the life of Peter, but it’s not the end of the story.

Peter looks like a different person in Acts 2.  He presents a thrilling sermon on the day of Pentecost and, as a result of his bold preaching, thousands of people put their faith and trust in Jesus (verse 41).  The lesson we gain from Peter is this: if we’ve failed, we don’t have to let it define us.  We can repent of it and move on.  We can still be used by God.

I think I’ve previously mentioned that I am a 30-year-old virgin.  But I know that unfortunately this is not everyone’s story.  In fact, every time I mention abstinence my mind quickly goes to the man or woman who tried to live a life of sexual purity and ultimately failed.  I’m sure that some of these dear people subsequently have reasoned, since they have failed, they will stay on the road of sexual promiscuity.

To the person who thinks this, I would point them to Peter.  This is a man that failed, but he didn’t let his failure define him.  He repented, and God forgave him (God will do the same thing for us; see 1 John 1:9).

Of course, this principle doesn’t just apply to the person who has failed in the sexual realm.  Perhaps you have struggled with gluttony, laziness, or anger in your past.  Once again, let Peter’s story encourage you.  Everyone makes mistakes in one way or another.  Peter was so afraid of what people would think that he lied and said that he didn’t even know Jesus.  Yet he moved on from that episode and went on not only to boldly proclaim the truth in Acts 2, but also to bless countless generations, including ours, with his letters of 1 and 2 Peter.  Like Peter, God wants us to move on to a life of obedience and service to Him. 
Kevin Bauer

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