Monday, July 4, 2011

A wonderful holiday

I want to wish everyone a very happy Independence Day!  In God’s timing, He worked it so that I would be taking a class at Colorado Christian University on America leading up to the fourth of July.  I’ve actually been contemplating this great land of ours since early June!  The United States of America is truly a great nation.
We as Americans are blessed, and it is very easy to take the blessings that we have for granted.  Today I would encourage you all to contemplate afresh the wonderful freedoms that we enjoy.  For example, we are free to worship God without having to risk personal safety.  We are free to vote.  There's a tremendous thought!  We are free to elect a new President every four years.  Not every nation gets the privilege of choosing our leaders.  I could go on and on.  I am very thankful to be an American!
I'm also thankful for the Founder Fathers of our nation and all they did in America's beginning days.  I've noticed an attitude in our culture that mistrusts the Founding Fathers, but this is a mistake.  Check out a book called "Vindicating the Founders" by Thomas West if you are interested in learning more about this.
Happy Independence Day!

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