Monday, July 25, 2011

Remembering a man of God

Today is a noteworthy day.  It was on this day, back in 2002, that a man of God named Rick Ferguson went to be with the Lord in Heaven.  You get the idea of just how much of an impact this man had on me personally when you consider all the times I’ve mentioned him in this blog.

I once wrote a paper about Rick for a Colorado Christian University academic paper.  In my paper, I referred to how Rick was a very snappy dresser; I actually called him a “conservative James Bond” because He was impeccably dressed every week.  For many years, my family and I had the privilege of sitting under Rick’s teachings.  Rick was articulate, bold, passionate, sincere, and humble.
When Rick had what could be called his “homecoming” nine years ago, we had a ranged of mixed emotions.  While we as a congregation celebrated the godly life he led, and the fact that he was with Jesus in Heaven, we were also still tremendously sad.  In fact, I’m feeling sad again now, just mentally re-living this season of my life.

If you are interested in getting an idea of the heart for Jesus that this man had, I would strongly recommend that you read his book “The servant principle” (by Rick Ferguson with Bryan McAnally).  This is a fantastic book that you can get for a reasonable price at

I still miss Rick.  But I thank God for the impact that he made on many lives, including mine.  I concluded my CCU paper by saying, “I hold the view that I will see my beloved late pastor one day again in Heaven!  What a day that will be!”  Amen to that.


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