Saturday, July 2, 2011

Each day is a gift

I recently discovered that July 1st, 2011, was the day that Princess Diana would have turned fifty years old, if she hadn't died back in 1997.  This fact only intensified a message that had already been bubbling inside me to share: every day is a gift.  Life itself is a gift that God grants to us daily.  We don’t know how many years we have on this planet.  We sometimes talk like we are going to live for decades, but truth is, we really don’t know.  Life is fragile.

I confess I’m feeling a bit more reflective right now as I look back at my recent 30th birthday celebration.  Many people conveyed to me how much they love me.  I felt their love.  I’m blessed to know many wonderful people.  But, the truth of the matter is, it took God’s providence for me to get to age 30.  As I’ve shared before, God protected me from death when I was just a baby.

So I just want encourage you (and I direct these words to myself, too) to live each day with gratitude to God.  He is the one who keeps our hearts beating, and gives us the breath we need to sustain us.

Kevin Bauer

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