Sunday, December 18, 2011

Focus on Jesus

I must confess that, at times, the commercialization that has overtaken Christmas is frustrating to me.  Some of the traditions that we practice year after year have absolutely nothing to do with the real meaning for the season.  To be clear: I’m not against any of these traditions per se.  I love the Christmas trees, seeing the beautiful lights carefully adorned on the houses, the Christmas parties can be fun, and the gift-giving tradition encourages us to be more generous.

However, wouldn’t you agree that there is so much, too much, that needs to be done in December just to fulfill the Christmas tradition expectations?  It can be absolutely exhausting.  What’s more troubling to me is that in all of this hustle and bustle it’s very easy to lose our focus on the actual reason for the season: celebrating Jesus Christ. 

I want to encourage all of us, in the midst of this very busy time of the year: let's slow down, take a deep breath and choose to focus on the birth, life, death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The external traditions of this holiday are great, but we can’t allow them to distract us from Jesus Himself.


"Let us fix our eyes of Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" - Hebrews 12:2

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