Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mark!

Today I just want to say a few words about my younger brother, Mark, because today is his birthday.  First of all, look at this picture, it was taken a few months ago back on Father’s Day. (Mark is the one on the left, Dad is in the middle, and I’m on the right).

I’m so thankful for my brother for many reasons.  I’m thankful that he and I are still friends even after all these years.  We spent a lot of time together growing up so you’d think that would make us sick of each other!  I’m thankful that he and I have several of the same interests.  For example, I can talk to him extensively about superheroes or video games without fear of thinking I’m boring him.  I’m thankful that whenever I spend time with him, he makes me laugh.  We all have our gifts, and Mark is definitely funnier and has better comedic timing than I do. 

One thing I wanted to make sure I highlighted today is how my brother selflessly serves his family (Mark was married back in 2008, and it was a tremendous blessing for me to be his best man).  Since then, I have observed how he serves his wife and their children tirelessly.  I’m so proud of my brother for how he sacrificially gives of himself over and over again for the welfare and happiness of his family.  

I love you, Mark.  Happy Birthday; I’m glad you are my brother! 


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