Thursday, December 22, 2011

A song to help us celebrate Christmas

One of my favorite Christmas songs is “Oh Holy Night.”  I want to encourage you to look up the lyrics to this marvelous song and soak in its truth as if you’ve never heard the song before.  I say this because it’s easy to listen to a Christmas song – I suppose this is true with any song – and not stop and think about what it is that is being said.  We get so familiar with some songs that we just go on mental auto-pilot so to speak, and we don’t even give any thought to what we are singing.

The truth is “Oh Holy Night” is a wonderful song that points us to the true meaning of Christmas.  Incidentally, I didn’t include the link as I probably should have, but I recently heard the most phenomenal rendition of “Oh Holy Night” by Carrie Underwood that will really brighten your Christmas celebration.  It’s obvious that has God gifted her with the most remarkable singing voice.  Check it out at you 


“She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins” - Matthew 1:21

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