Friday, February 8, 2013

"Here's what happened:"

I love the television show “Monk” starring Tony Shalhoub.  Whenever Detective Adrian Monk (the main star of the show) solved a case he would usually begin his summation of how the perpetrator orchestrated the crime by saying, “Here’s what happened.”  Just so you all know, in my last blog, I presented an allegorized version of something that did actually occur in my life when I was just a baby.  Before moving on, I thought I’d briefly mention those events.  So as Monk would say, “Here’s what happened:”

I was healed as a baby from what was diagnosed as “Infantile Spasms.”  This simply means that, as an infant, I was having multiple seizures.  I was on many different medicines, and while they minimized the seizures, they never got rid of them completely. 

When I was ten months old, I was in the hospital as I had been many other times.  On this visit, for some inexplicable reason, I flat-lined for three minutes.  I’m told that I turned a shade of blue.  After those minutes eclipsed, however, God brought me back to this life; furthermore, the seizures stopped entirely!  Some suggested to my parents that they should keep me on the medicines, and that I would begin to have them again after getting over the shock of dying.  But they believed (correctly) that God had healed me, and that the medicines were no longer necessary.  It has been over thirty years now, and I have never had a seizure again!

As I portrayed in the allegory, my parents wrote a song glorifying and praising God for healing me.  Further, I thought it was important to document the fact that my parents were faithful to pass my healing on to me.  It is obviously possible for that whole episode of my infancy to have taken place, only to never be apprised of the events that occurred.  So I thank them for sharing what happened with me.  More than anything else, I thank God (the hero of this whole story) for miraculously delivering me from that horrible disease.


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