Monday, February 11, 2013

My allegory (part 2)

“Years passed, and Unbeliever was now a boy.  While we are still only barely into the genesis of Unbeliever’s story, many would say that the events that are about to be described are the most important thing to ever happen to Unbeliever.

It was a beautiful day and so Unbeliever decided to take a walk outside.  At some point in the stroll, Unbeliever was ambushed by a blinding white light.  After it subsided, a man was suddenly standing before Unbeliever.  “Unbeliever, I know you are just a boy, but I don’t want you to be ignorant about me anymore,” said the man.  He went on to speak of the sin that was infecting Unbeliever’s soul.  He said that the price of his sin had been paid by Jesus’ substitutionary death on the cross, so all that remained is for a person to choose to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Unbeliever knew that what the man was saying was true, so he said, “I believe!  I want to have my sins forgiven.  I want to become a Christian.  I wholeheartedly believe!”  The man smiled and announced, “Thus, no longer shall your name be Unbeliever.  For you now believe, therefore from now on, you shall be known as Believer.

He continued, “One more thing: you don’t remember, but we have met before.  I rescued you from Disease as a baby.”  Believer began to cry.  “I…I was told of this story,” Believer replied trying to compose himself.  “It is wonderful to finally meet you.  Thank you so much, for everything.  But if I may be so bold, what is your name?”  Believer asked.  “For today, call me the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6).”

By the way, before concluding for today, let me state that this chapter of the story allegorically captures the inner transformation that occurred in my heart when I was only six years old.  In 1987, my parents and I went to a Billy Graham crusade.  Dr. Graham proclaimed the truth of the gospel with his usual boldness, clarity, and passion that day.  When he issued his alter call, I told my parents that I needed to go forward.  God, by His Holy Spirit, illuminated the truth to me.  I became a Christian that day.  It is the best decision that I have ever made in my life!

Let me also mention that I've included a great link from the website got regarding Jesus' potent words in John 14:6.  Check it out if you are so inclined.



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