Monday, February 18, 2013

My allegory (part 3)

“Believer was about a year into his newfound friendship and fellowship with the Lord.  He was happier, blissful, and more contended than before.  However, this particular day, was a difficult one.  Believer was going about his activities when he came upon a character he had never seen before.  “Who are you?”  Believer asked.  “I am Mr. Malady.”  Malady then attacked and overpowered Believer.  “Why?  Why would you do this?”  Believer asked a few minutes later, now face down staring at his own blood on the pavement as a result of the attack.  “It’s who I am,” Malady answered with a sneer.  “There doesn’t have to be a reason.  “Where is your Great Rescuer now?”  He asked as he delivered one more kick to Believer and then ran away.

Believer slowly rose to his feet.  He staggered around and began to walk to try to find help for his injuries.  After stopping to attempt to gather some strength, he looked back to see how much he had progressed, only to see a trail of his own blood in the path he had just walked.  Clearly, he was bleeding profusely with his encounter with Malady.  “I just need to call for help,” Believer thought.  Several minutes passed, and Believer continued to wobble and stumble along.  He had called for help several times, but no one came to his aid.

Believer happened to come upon a lake.  He stopped another moment to rest upon a fence, grimacing from his pain.  Suddenly, the fence he was leaning on gave out and he began to fall.  He landed in the lake.  “I’m too weak,” Believer thought to himself.  “I don’t have any strength left.  I’m going to die right here.”  As he was going under, he felt someone grab him and pull him out of the water.  It was the One who had rescued him as a baby; the One who had declared that he was no longer to be called Unbeliever but Believer.

“You saved me again!”  Believer exclaimed, still in obvious agony.  The valiant Hero requested that he not talk.  “First, let me tend to your wounds.”  He simply touched Believer’s injured areas and he was immediately healed.  The blood and wounds were gone.  The pain was gone.  “How did you do that?”  Believer asked; his voice strong again as he had evidently regained his physical vigor.  “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26; NIV).  “Malady has been defeated,” the Hero continued.  “Go on your way in peace.”  “Gracious Savior,” Believer began.  “How awesome are your deeds!  So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you” (Psalm 66:3).


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