Friday, July 14, 2017

"Knowing what I know about Heaven" is all I need

I recently came across a message from a listener that was recorded a few days after my dad had passed away.  Somehow, this message was never found until just now.  I’m so grateful that it was because it’s a great story about my dad.  Furthermore, if this listener wasn’t gracious enough to choose to pass this story along, I never would have known it.

Several years back, when two of her brothers had passed away, this dear listener was reeling; she reached out to a kind Christian radio announcer – my dad – for some sort of help with her broken heart.  Dad recommended a song to her called “Knowing What I Know about Heaven” a song made popular by the Christian singer Guy Penrod.  This song made such an impact on her that the decision was made to play the song in one of her brother’s services.  In her message, she dedicated this song to my mom, my brother and me.

I knew about this tune.  In fact, it was sung at my dad’s service, but, as I said, I didn’t know the full story, or about the dedication of the song to us, until a short time ago.  “Knowing What I Know about Heaven” is an incredible song.  I can’t tell you just how much I love this song.  It is my heart’s cry, and my anthem.  I consider it a gift that needs to be presented to others.

Therefore, I’m going to quote the lyrics in their entirety; but first, I have two disclaimers: Number one: all credit for these lyrics goes to the writers of this work.  The song was actually written by Sarah Darling, Dave Robbins, and Billy Austen.  While he didn’t write it, Guy Penrod certainly deserves a lot of credit as well, because he is responsible for making this song as popular as it is.  Disclaimer number two: do yourself a favor and watch some versions of this song on You Tube.  I don’t think you can get the full effect until you hear it for yourself.  You can see marvelous renditions of this sung by Sarah Darling, Guy Penrod, and even a version where Sarah and Guy sing the song as a duet.  

Here are the lyrics: “I bet the trumpets played and the angels sang every sweet refrain of Amazing Grace; and that Heaven’s hands opened up the gate, and the children danced when they saw your face.  As happy as they were to see you coming, I was just as sad to have to watch you go.

(Chorus) Oh, but knowing what I know about Heaven, believing that you’re all the way home; knowing that you’re somewhere better is all I need to let you go.  I could hope that I could pray you back, but why on Earth would I do that?  When you’re somewhere life and love never ends; oh, knowing what I know about Heaven.  Where every single voice makes a joyful noise; how sweet the sound when the saints rejoice!

To every broken heart and every wounded soul: new life begins on streets of gold. With every tear that’s raining here from my eyes, I know the sun is shining where you are.  (Repeat chorus) I could hope that I could pray you back, but why on Earth would I do that?  When you’re somewhere life and love never ends; oh, knowing what I know about Heaven.”
What would inspire someone to write a song like this?  I found a website where Sarah Darling describes the story behind the song.  She says, “I wrote this song with Dave Robbins and Billy Austen…Dave had just heard about someone in his family who had passed, and I was worried about my grandfather who was going through heart trouble at the time, I remember.  It seemed like every three months, he had some situation where he had to go back to the hospital for something and we are all on pins and needles about him.  I look up to him so much because he talks about heaven and how wonderful it is, and this song is painting the picture of what it’s like…It’s a very positive song when you really listen to it, even though it’s sad too.”


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