Monday, July 24, 2017

"Not all heroes wear masks" (part 3)

Bruce Wayne once complimented Alfred by declaring, “Not all heroes wear masks.”  I submit that the same notion is true for my dad.  Today, I’m going to continue highlighting subjects that were presented in his funeral service.  By the way, I’m passionate about each item that I’m going to bring up; I could write a separate blog about each of these things.  But I’m going to restrain myself.

First of all, prayer was an important component in Dad’s life.  He prayed both at work and at home.  His afternoon prayer time segment was a very memorable aspect of his vocation.  It is not surprising, therefore, that his prayer life was emphasized in his service.  Mom highlighted how one of the signature aspects of his prayer time was Dad’s habit of always bringing up God’s will.  He loved to take Jesus’ Biblical phrase “Thy will be done” and insert it directly into his prayer.

I think surrendering his prayer requests to the will of God relaxed and liberated Dad.  He knew, as Isaiah 55 puts it, that God’s ways and thoughts are so much higher than humanity’s ways and thoughts.  For my dad – or anyone – to pray “Thy will be done” is to openly acknowledge that God has a sovereign plan, and even though it might differ from ours, His plan is always superior.

Secondly, Roy Hanschke, a coworker of my father’s, said something very apt and fitting.  In context, he was speaking of my dad’s friendship and fellowship with the Lord.  He asserted, “This relationship with Jesus not only secured him a place in Heaven, but also manifested itself in the way Jerry lived every day.”  Amen and amen!  Underscore the first part of that quote: Dad’s relationship with Jesus is how the gates of Heaven were open for him.  No one enters Heaven through merit or works; it is through Jesus Christ alone

I also love how Roy said that it was Dad’s relationship with Jesus that was displayed in the way he lived every day.  In Rick Ferguson’s Memorial service someone said, “Rick’s life is a tribute to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.”  I say amen to that for Rick, and I repeat the same sentiment for my dad.  I believe it’s impossible to distinguish the character of my dad from the Lordship of Christ.  Jesus Himself said, “As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.  I am the vine; you are the branches.  He that abides in Me, and I am him, bears much fruit.  For without me, you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5).

I want to conclude this blog series the same way Bill Oudemolen ended Dad’s service.  In his remarks, he shared a story about evangelist Dwight L. Moody.  Moody was sick.  He was with a group of reporters.  He said, “Someday soon you’ll read that Moody is dead, but don’t believe it.  For in that moment, I will be more alive than I’ve ever been before.”  Bill commented, “Today, Jerry Bauer is more alive than he’s ever been before.”  The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4: “our outward man is perishing” (verse 16).  That’s true for us occupants of Earth, but it’s a different story for the inhabitants of Heaven!  My dad is not experiencing any pain, deadlines, or stress.  He is, indeed, more alive than he has ever been. 


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