Monday, July 10, 2017

My father's last on-air prayer

Since it is July, we are in a month that is bittersweet to go through.  It was in July two years ago now that my dad went to be with the Lord.  As this month unfolds, I plan to write some special blogs that highlight Jerry Bauer, the man I got to call “Dad”.  For today, I want underscore my dad’s faith in God by sharing the last prayer that he delivered on the air.  He prayed hundreds of prayers on the air for his vocation as a radio announcer.  While I’m biased, I think he hit a home run with this one.

“Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to You in love, adoration, and praise.  We thank You for Jesus, for salvation, and the redemption plan You have provided.  The fact that Jesus died for us while were still in sin.  Thank You so very much.  Thank You for Your mercy and kindness; thank You for how You mold us daily to become the vessels You want us to be.  Thank You for the privilege of prayer that we have.

We’re going to pray now for some hurting people out there.  Folks with burdens, needs, and sickness; we bring some of those needs to You at this time.  A listener is asking for prayer for her 79-year-old brother who needs healing in his eyes.  His vision is getting bad.  We ask that You would lay Your healing hand upon him and touch his eyes, Father.  Another man has multiple serious health problems.  We pray for healing for him.  You know what is going on in his body; we ask that You would heal him, and give him wholeness, peace, and health.

As Heaven Fest approaches in Bandimere, August 7th and 8th [2015], we pray for the security of the entire festival, and for protection for those who will be there.  We pray for good weather, a great harvest, and a safe event.  A friend is looking for a church, a place to fellowship and to call home.  We ask that You would guide this person to the very church that you want him to be in.  Make it very clear.

Of course, we want Your will to be done.  Thy will be done, Father, in all these needs.  [Let me break in a moment; I’m going to put in a sentence from another prayer that Dad prayed about a week before he passed away.  I thought it was so powerful that I would throw it in here.] “We want your will to be done in everything.  Don’t give us what we want or deserve; give us what we need.  You know what is best for each one of us.”  [Back to the original prayer now.]

“We pray that You would use our feeble prayers to accomplish Your plan, whatever it is.  We do want to give You praise: a young couple delivered a healthy baby girl yesterday.  Everybody is doing well.  Thank You, Father; we give You the praise for this and for all You’ve done, You are doing, and You will do.  We give You all the glory, honor, and praise. 

We worship You.  We praise You.  We pray in the mighty, bountiful, beautiful, exalted name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.” 

"Thy will be done, Father"
My dad praying on the air in 2009

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