Friday, July 28, 2017

Tribute to a super hero

I have repeatedly said to you that my dad, Jerry Bauer, was a superhero.  Well, I have the pictures to prove it.  Check these out:

I told you.  He has the costume and everything!  OK, yes, I’m just having some fun with you.  But I wanted you to see those great pictures.

On a more serious note, one of the reasons I love the superhero genre is because superheroes, when done correctly, inspire people to be their best selves.  Cat Grant, from the TV show “Supergirl ” once said, “Having someone who embodies our heroic ideals helps us to believe that we can be heroes, too.”  My dad may be in Heaven with Jesus, but his “heroic ideals” inspire me even to this very day.  I want to follow in my father's selfless footsteps.  I want to be a super hero, just like Dad.


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