Thursday, June 30, 2011

Humility versus pride

I've been thinking about humility and pride lately.  I once heard a preacher describe how there's a constant battle in a Christian's life with pride.  I'm inclined to agree with him.  I actually wrote about pride and humility a while back for a writing project I did.  Here's an excerpt of I wrote:

"The antithesis of humility is pride; this is repugnant to God.  To parade around saying, "my talent and ability has taken me this far" is to be blind to God.  He is the one who gave you your talents and abilities.  What is humility?  I'd say it is to boast of God rather than to boast of self."

If we are humble, we stand out, simply because so many around us are broadcasting how great they think they are.  I for one want to be a humble man.  I want to be someone who - as I put in my excerpt I shared with you - boasts of God.

Kevin Bauer

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