Saturday, October 1, 2011

God's handiwork

I'm currently in a photography class at Colorado Christian University.  This is an elective course.  I chose to take it because my dad is always taking photos with his digital camera; he inspired me to learn more about this world.  I haven't taken too many photos in my day, but I'm learning more and more as the class progresses.

I wanted to share one photo that I took this week.  As you might have guessed from the name of the college I attend, I live in the state of Colorado.  We Coloradoans have the glorious opportunity to see some beautiful mountains.  Here's a picture I took that has a shot of those mountains, as well as some trees and clouds, too (be kind in your assessment as you peruse my photo, remember I'm still an amateur).  I would encourage you all to click on the actual photograph to get an expanded view of the shot.


("The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork" - Psalm 19:1)

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