Friday, October 28, 2011

Musings on the Halloween debate

Recently, someone asked me what my opinion is regarding Halloween.  Do I participate in the holiday, or do I even like the holiday?  This question inspired me to do some research.  By saying this, I’m not insinuating that I didn’t have an opinion one way or the other with Halloween, because I did and I still do.  I just thought I'd get some more information.  My research showed me that this is a hotly debated topic, with people on both sides of the argument very adamant about their viewpoint. 

The problem that I saw with those on either side of the Halloween debate was that it could easily be described as a verbal war.  Each group saw anyone who differed from their beliefs as being an enemy who deserved scorn, ridicule, and condemnation.  This is the wrong attitude. 

The fact of the matter is, Halloween falls under the category of what the Apostle Paul calls a “disputable matter” (Romans 14:1).  In other words, an area where you can go one way or the other.  All of Romans 14 is particularly helpful when considering this Halloween debate, I would recommend that you read the entire chapter.  Consider verse 5: “One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike.  Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.”

Let me be clear on an important point: please understand that not everything is a “disputable matter.”  The Bible gives us some hills that are worthy of dying on.  For example, Jesus being born of a virgin, or that Jesus died a sacrificial, atoning death on the cross for you and me.  Or there’s the fact that Jesus literally and bodily resurrected from the grave.  Here’s one that’s not politically correct: Jesus and Jesus alone is our only ticket to Heaven (John 14:6).  Furthermore, entrance to Heaven is by God's grace through faith alone; that is to say, none of our works aid us in any way to be granted access to Heaven.  All of these are not “disputable matters.”  They are the fundamental truths of the Christian faith that aren’t to be tampered with. 

Halloween is different, however; it’s more up to individual preference.  Of course, whether a "disputable matter" or a fundamental tenet of Christianity, it's never right to mercilessly attack, denigrate, scorn, belittle, and insult someone with another viewpoint.  Romans 14:13 says, “Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another.”  My own personal decision, as I explained to the person who asked me, is to not participate in Halloween.  However, I don’t look down on others who decide that they want to celebrate the holiday.  That's their choice.


"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification" - Romans 14:19 

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