Thursday, October 13, 2011

The number one trait of a hero

What makes a hero?  The fact of the matter is there are many accurate descriptions of a hero's characteristics.  For me to name them all here wouldn’t be prudent.  However, in my opinion, there is one attribute that every hero must possess: selflessness.  The dictionary defines the word "selfless" this way: “Having or showing devotion to others welfare.”  Every hero has the ability to put the well-being of others ahead of themselves.
For example, Peter Parker (alias Spider-Man) frequently desires to turn away from his life as Spider-Man and concentrate exclusively on living a normal life as Peter Parker.  But in the end, he never shirks his responsibilities.  He continues to fight the villain, and save the citizens of New York.  Why?  Because he learned early in his life - to quote his famous line - “with great power comes great responsibility.”  He would prefer to stop being Spider-Man altogether, but he always chooses to put the well-being of the residents of the city ahead of himself.  Because of his decision to consistently do this, Spider-Man is one of my favorite superheroes.
The reason I think selflessness is such a vital ingredient in a hero is because it can be manifested both in the extraordinary and in the ordinary times of life.  For example, ten years ago, the passengers and crew of Flight 93 showed that they were heroes because they put the well-being of others first and sacrificed their very lives.  Thank God for such incredible heroism.  But there are less dramatic examples as well.

For instance, consider the husband who returns from a long day at work, exhausted from his day.  He discovers that the dishes have piled up, the garbage disposal is broken, and the trash is overflowing.  Although tired, he puts the well-being of his wife and family before himself.  Therefore, he takes care of all these chores.  I submit that this husband is showing himself to be a hero.
“Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being” - 1 Corinthians 10:24 (NKJV)

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