Monday, January 31, 2011

Book recommendations

Looking back at the stats for my blogs this month, the highest viewed blog was "two movie recommendations" (1/7/11).  A lot of you have read that one.  So in light of this, I wanted to underscore some book recommendations that I've implied that I recommend by quoting from them, but I've not officially endorsed them.  This is not an exhaustive list by any means, rather it's just a few books that I particularly enjoy...

The first would be "The Way I was Made: Words and Music for an Unusual Life" by Chris Tomlin.  This is the closest book that we have to Chris' autobiography.  There's a lot of great material in this book (as you've seen, I've quoted from it twice this month).

Secondly, there's a great book called "The Servant Principle" by Rick Ferguson.  This book highlights how important it is to live a life of serving others.  This is a hard book to find, as it's out of print, but your best bet would probably be to check and see if it is available at

Finally, I would recommend C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity."  This is an older book, but it is excellent.  I actually once took an elective class on C.S. Lewis at CCU and I wrote a paper on this book, so I could go on and on with my praise of it.  I highly recommend this one.

Happy reading!  I'll talk to you all again next month.
Kevin Bauer
(Philippians 4:8)

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