Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy news

It was eleven years ago when I first became familiar with Christian singer Rebecca St. James.  Through the years, my respect and admiration for her has only deepened.  She is one of my heroes.  I say this because she is not just a performer, she is someone who has a strong voice for God.

On 1/3/11, Rebecca announced that she is engaged to be married to a man named Jacob Fink!  By the way, here is the link so you can read the full story, as well as see a picture of Rebecca and Jacob together... 

On behalf of the thousands of fans she has (if not millions), I want to congratulate Rebecca and Jacob on their joyous news.  I wish them a very happy life together.

For those of you who don't know of Rebecca's life circumstances, she has been waiting for her spouse for many years (at least all the years that I've been familiar with her life and ministry).  She decided not to force marriage to happen sooner than it was intended.  Instead she chose to live her single years to the fullest until God led her to the person that she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with.  That day has arrived and there are so many people - myself included - who are thrilled for her!

Kevin Bauer
(Isaiah 64:4)

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