Monday, January 24, 2011

Choices have inevitable consequences

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with someone who reads this blog about my installment on Superman (part 2).  His comments seemed to indicate that I wasn’t very clear when it came to the topic of inevitable consequences for the choices that we make.  While I did mention it very briefly in that post, let me address it in more detail, just in case others were also confused on this point.

This reader remarked that just because we are forgiven does not mean that God will magically remove the consequences of our sin.  Let me clearly state this for the record: I am in full agreement with him on this.  I definitely concur that our choices have inevitable consequences attached to them.
Dr. Adrian Rogers once said, “You are free to choose, but you are not free to choose the consequences of your choice.”  The late preacher, Rick Ferguson once used the analogy of having a rock in your shoe for a long time.  When God grants forgiveness, the ‘rock’ of sin is gone, but the consequence of having that rock in for so long is a bruised foot!  It will not just magically go away.

For me, the takeaway for this is to think twice before I do something because I know that every choice has consequences.  Perhaps the bottom line is what Charles Stanley has repeatedly said: “Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.”

Kevin Bauer

(Galatians 6:7)

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