Friday, January 21, 2011

Let's talk about Superman

The other day, I was looking back at some of my classes at Colorado Christian University this past year.  Back in February, I was taking a great class on creative arts.  The main purpose of this class was to express to the students that everyone on planet Earth is creative in some way.

One week in that class, I gave a Power Point presentation on communication.  In my preparation, I was struck with a bit of creativity as I was trying to adequately express how amazing it is that the God of all the universe actually wants to communicate with us.  He wants to have a close, intimate fellowship with us.  I used the illustration of Superman.

I began by talking about how powerful Superman is.  To the untrained eye, he may not look it, but don’t be fooled, he is very strong.  Superman himself, in an episode of Justice League Unlimited confessed, “I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard.  [I’m] always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone.  Never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment or someone could die.”

Yet, in a wonderful bit of irony, this amazingly powerful being falls in love with Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane.  Lois is a normal human being, so he could snap her like a twig if he chose.  But he would never dream of doing so, because she has a very special place in his heart.  He deeply loves her.  In fact, he loves her so much that Clark Kent (Superman's alias) actually marries Lois.

In the same way, God is powerful.  He could have destroyed mankind years ago, but He would never dream of doing such a thing.  Mankind has a special place in the heart of God.  He loves us and cares for us.  God desires intimate communication with us, just as Clark Kent does with Lois.  This is absolutely mind boggling to me!  I hope this Superman illustration helps better clarify in your mind how amazing it is that God wants to communicate, and have a close fellowship, with you and with me.


1 comment:

  1. This is very comforting, as many people grow up with this vision of God, sad!
