Saturday, January 8, 2011

Football talk

People who know me best know that I’m a football fan in every sense of the word.  That is, I am a fan of most of the teams in the NFL.  I concede that I like some teams more than others.  When the playoffs start, I will have personal favorites to win, just like anyone else.  But year in and year out, I’m usually happy for whoever wins the Super Bowl and I can feel sadness for the team that loses it. 

One team I kept an eye on more than I have in previous years is the Cleveland Browns (who sadly only won five games, but one was over the mighty Patriots and one was over the defending champion Saints).  The reason that I watched the Browns closer this year is because of one of their quarterbacks by the name of Colt McCoy.

Last January, Colt was in college.  He played for the Texas Longhorns.  He had helped lead his team to the BCS National Championship game.  Very early in the game, he got hurt and couldn’t go back in.  His team ended up losing the game 37-21 to the Alabama Crimson Tide.  On the postgame show, Colt was interviewed; one of the things he said was this:

“I always give God the glory.  I never question why things happen the way they do.  God is in control of my life and I know that, if nothing else, I'm building my life on the Rock.”

This reaction was so refreshing to me.  It's not uncommon to hear someone thank God after they win a game, but to have the character to glorify God in the midst of a devastating loss (a loss he barely played in) is very impressive.

Kevin Bauer

(1 Corinthians 10:31)


  1. Like the movie Facing The Giants, praise Him in the good and the bad.

  2. We need to pray for Colt and Tim Tebow.
