Thursday, January 13, 2011

A new hero

I have been taking an elective college class on Christmas movies.  The class is called “Christmas Films and Literature.”  We’ve watched many Christmas films that I had never seen before.  Believe it or not, I had never seen such classics as “White Christmas”, “Miracle on 34th Street” (the original 1954 version), or “It's a Wonderful Life.”  Please, everyone be kind to me in this confession.  Yes, I am aware that I’ve definitely missed out by not seeing some of these films until now, but it’s better late than never, right?

We were required to write a four to five page paper on any of the films that we watched in class.  I chose “It's a Wonderful Life” because it was my favorite film of all of them.  Once again, I had not seen this movie all the way through until this class.  I had seen pieces of it, such as the very happy ending, but never in its entirety.  Did I ever enjoy watching this movie!  It is going to be a new Christmas tradition to view it.  This is how I concluded my paper on this great movie:

“To sum it up, “It’s a Wonderful Life” has become one of my new favorite Christmas movies.  I would go so far as to say that George Bailey has become one of my new heroes.  Sure, he has his faults, but so does everyone.  George’s devotion to his family, his willingness to stand on his principles, and his incredibly altruistic acts, all makes him a hero in my eyes.”

As I was watching this flick, a title of a book came to my mind: “Discover the Power of One” by Michael Youssef.  That’s really what “It's a Wonderful Life” is all about: the power, magnitude, and influence that just one life can have.  In chapter 1 of the book, Youssef writes, “We must never overlook the fact that just one person taking a stand for what is right – and in turn, voicing and acting on what is right – can accomplish much.”

Kevin Bauer

(Matthew 5:16)

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