Monday, January 17, 2011

"Never Figure League"

NBC commentator Al Michaels once called the NFL the "Never Figure League" meaning that we think we know what's going to happen with these football games, but then the most improbable things happen, and we just shrug and say, "wow, I never would have figured on that happening."

That's what has happened so far in these NFL playoffs.  It started when the Seattle Seahawks - a team who won their division, but still had a record of 7 and 9 - defeated the defending Super Bowl champion New Orleans Saints.  It happened again yesterday when the New York Jets beat the New England Patriots.  I for one (and many would probably agree with me on this) thought the Pats were going to dismantle every team that they played and then blow out their opponent in the Super Bowl, but the "Never Figure League" reared its head again.  Congratulations to the New York Jets.  Congratulations also to the Seattle Seahawks, they lost yesterday to the Chicago Bears, but they were the first to remind us to expect the unexpected when it comes to the NFL.

But you know, as great and exciting as the playoffs have been, I feel it's important to let everyone know how finite the game of football really is.  Yes, someone is going to win the Super Bowl, but then what?  In 10-20 years, it's going to be mostly forgotten.  There will certainly be fond memories of former Super Bowl glory like there is in Denver (and by the way, John Fox, welcome to the Broncos), but football - indeed sports itself - ultimately is nothing but entertainment.  It's a chance for the common man, or woman, to escape the every day pressures and challenges of life. 

I'm not at all advocating that we stop watching sports, far from it.  In fact, there's talk of a lockout (or the better term may be a work stoppage) next year in the NFL and that news makes me very sad.  I want to watch the NFL like I do every year.  All I'm saying is that we shouldn't elevate football and sports to a higher importance than we should.  We need to keep our priorities straight. 

Kevin Bauer
(1 Corinthians 9:24-25)

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for all Professional Sports, even some College Sports. It doesn't change my life at all, but it is so entertaining, and I thank God for wholesome entertainment.
