Thursday, January 20, 2011

Real heroes

In my last installment, I mentioned my pastor but I didn't give his name.  I would like to do so today because he is one of my heroes.  His name is Bill Oudemolen.  He is the pastor of Foothills Bible Church and he has been in this role for over 25 years! 

God has given me the opportunity to develop a friendship with Bill - as well as his wife, Jan.  Because I've had the chance to see Bill's life, not just hear about it on Sunday mornings, I want to share some of his admirable qualities.  By the way, here is a picture of Bill and Jan from my own personal photo album...

Really I could go and on and on with Bill's heroic traits, but I'll keep it brief.  I'm impressed with his humility, his integrity, his willingness to stand for the truth, and the fact that he loves his wife, Jan, as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). 

By the way, speaking of Jan, let me also mention that someone has said that behind every great man there is a great woman and that is the case here.  Jan's support, encouragement, strength, and help to Bill is truly amazing to behold!

I think it was John Piper who said that preachers quickly find it is easy to put words together; they know how to talk the talk, but do they back up their words with action?  Pastor Bill does.  In fact, if someone were to ask me to describe Pastor Bill in one word it would be the word authentic.  Some pastors just put on a show (sorry to say it, but it's true).  Bill Oudemolen does not do this; with him what you see is what you get.  He is not only a great preacher, he is also a wonderful man of God.

Kevin Bauer
(Hebrews 13:7)

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