Monday, April 18, 2011

The choice we all must make

I recently read something by writer Bill Crowder.  He talks about how he saw members of a football team wearing a T-shirt with this slogan: “Every day you must choose: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”  Think about that statement.  The latter part of it is fairly easy to grasp; we all know at one time or another “the pain of regret.”  Proverbs 22:8 says, “He who sows iniquity will reap sorrow” (NKJV).

But what does “the pain of discipline” mean?  The way I took it is this: the accompanying pain that sometimes comes with doing the right thing.  I’m not sure how many of you have given this any thought, but there is a certain pain in choosing to say no to sin, because it looks fun and exciting.  Rick Ferguson, in his fantastic book “The Servant Principle” writes,

“The Bible does not deny that sin is fun and pleasurable for a season [he’s referring to Hebrews 11:24-26].  However, the ultimate results of sin are deadly.  If you are sinning, you are not looking to the future.  You are not seeing the long-term consequences.  Don’t sell out your long-term future for a short-term pleasure.  Take the long look.”

I think Christian Artist Steve Wiggins provides us with the bottom line.  According to my Internet research, Wiggins was a part of the Contemporary Christian music group “Big Tent Revival” until the group disbanded in 2000.  Wiggins once wrote, “Sometimes doing it God's way means doing it the hard way.  God’s will is sometimes the path of patience and sometimes the path of pain.”

I do believe that the pain of doing the right thing (or “the pain of discipline” as Crowder put it) is far better than enduring the pain of regret.  So I just want to encourage everyone reading - including the man who wrote this - choose to do the right thing, no matter how difficult it may be sometimes.

Kevin Bauer

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