Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Some words from Tony Dungy

Former NFL coach Tony Dungy, in his book “Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance” writes, “For some reason, there is a stigma on women who have a lot of sexual partners, but society seems to look at it very differently when it comes to men.”

I must admit that I too have noticed this tendency.  Just consider some of the fictional male characters that are known for their various sexual exploits: James Bond, Sam Malone, Don Juan, Barney Stinson, Charlie Harper, and Joey Tribbiani (and of course there are many historical examples as well).  The culture doesn’t look down on men like this.  To the contrary, they are applauded and praised.
Dungy continues, “We’ve allowed ourselves to be fooled into thinking that it’s acceptable because “that's what men do.””  Gentlemen, the truth of the matter is, God doesn’t wink at or condone sexual promiscuity simply because you are a male with sexual urges.  Coach Dungy goes on to say, “But the Bible tells us to “run from sexual sin!  No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does” (by the way, he's quoting from 1 Corinthians 6:18 in the NLT). 

The Word of God presents us with multiple commands to remain sexually pure until married life, whether we are male or female (and then the only sexual contact is to be with your spouse).  In fact, one verse says not to have “even a hint of sexual immorality” (Ephesians 5:3; NIV).  Have you ever seen how little a “hint” is on a cooking show?

I wear a gold abstinence ring on the third finger of my right hand.  Many years ago, after I showed someone my ring, this person candidly replied, “I could never wear such a ring, because I'm not pure.”  Perhaps your life story is like the person I’ve described.  You are not sexually pure anymore.  Furthermore, I’ve heaped loads of guilt on you by presenting God’s stand on sex (let me underscore that: it’s not my stand on sex; it’s God’s).

I love what Romans 5:20 says, “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.”  No matter what you have done, you can be forgiven!  1 John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  This doesn’t mean that we can simply go out and sin all we want (see Romans 6:1-2, the verses immediately following Romans 5:20), but it does mean that God is ready, willing, and able to forgive you for what you have done, whether that is sexual sin or some other kind of sin.

Kevin Bauer

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