Saturday, April 30, 2011

Music recommendation revisited

It started out as a simple music recommendation for Rebecca St. James new CD "I Will Praise You."  You, the readers, have made what I wrote that day become #3 all time in most viewed blogs that I've written!

That response has inspired me to revisit Rebecca's CD again today.  I've been listening to the CD a lot for the past few weeks, and I must reiterate again how good it is.  I love the songs such as "You Still Amaze Me" and "Almighty God."  In that original blog, I highlighted how much I love the title track "I Will Praise You."  In fact, I made the somewhat bold prediction that this new song would become a part of her legacy.  Today I thought I would elaborate on why I feel this way.
When I listen to "I Will Praise You" my mind goes the Old Testament character of Job.  He suffered like most of us never will, yet his response sounds remarkably like Rebecca's song.  After losing absolutely everything, he says in Job 1, "the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord" (verse 21; NKJV). 

That's why I love Rebecca's song so much.  It encourages us to not wallow in pity, anger, and depression when trials come upon us, instead we are being challenged to fix our eyes on God and say to Him, "I don't understand why this is happening, but I'm going to praise and worship You anyway."  May all of us get to such a place in our lives!

Kevin Bauer

(Job 13:15)

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