Saturday, April 30, 2011

The importance of apologetics

Not too long ago, I was able to go to an event with former Denver Broncos placekicker Jason Elam as the guest of honor.  This was such a great event!  One thing that struck me was the large amount of Christian apologetics that Elam presented.

You say, "wait a minute!  What is apologetics?"  Contrary to what some of you might think, it means more than being sorry for something you have done.  I love the article on this topic posted by got  By the way, got is such a valuable resource.  If you are ever bored, go and browse some of their articles; they have great information!  Here's their link on apologetics:,0

As you see, they explain Christian apologetics is giving a defense of the Christian faith.  They go on to quote 1 Peter 3:15, "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (NIV). 

I'm reminded of what I wrote about Rob Bell's book "Love Wins."  I'm convinced that the negative critique I gave Bell's book cost me what could have been faithful readers to this blog.  I don't for a moment regret what I wrote, I am simply citing this an example (albeit a very minor one) of how presenting a defense of the Christian faith will cost us.  But that said, it is still something that we are commanded to do in the Word of God.  Jason Elam practices apologetics, let's follow his example!

Kevin Bauer

(Jude 1:3)

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