Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An intriguing challenge

Periodically, the radio station K-love plays sound bites of listeners giving testimonials of how K-love has impacted their lives.  Yesterday, I heard a female listener talk about how K-love's "thirty day challenge" changed her life.  Let me explain.  A while back, K-love put out a challenge: listen to Christian music exclusively for the next thirty days.  See what kind of difference it makes in your life.

I have to tell you, ever since I heard that clip, I have not been able to think about much of anything else other than making the same challenge to you, dear readers.  I think K-love came up with a great idea.  Let's go from now to May 12th and listen to nothing but Christian music.

You may be asking why I'm advancing this challenge.  Christian Artist Rebecca St. James once said, "Music is so powerful.  I think a lot of the time we underestimate how powerful it really is.  We say, 'well, I'm not really listening to the words; I'm just listening to the music.'  But it sinks in.  So I don't really listen to much secular music at all.  I'm really careful about what I absorb." Rebecca's words would be my answer as to why I think this is such an important exercise.

Some of you are resisting this idea.  You don't want to commit to doing this.  If you choose not to do this, that's perfectly fine (it's not like I can check up on you anyway).  But I would really encourage you to participate with me in doing this - yes, you read that right, I'm going to do this exercise with you.  I really believe that a lot of good will come from this.

Are you in?

Kevin Bauer

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