Friday, April 15, 2011

Music recommendation

Today I simply want to recommend Rebecca St. James new CD entitled "I Will Praise You."

A little while back, I blogged about legacies: what it is that we'll leave after our lives are over.  Eleven years ago, Rebecca wrote a song called "Wait For Me" which was a song that was written to her then unknown future husband (she is getting married to a man named Jacob Fink; see my blog titled "Happy News" that I wrote back in January).  That is probably her most well known song; it will always be a part of her legacy.  In my opinion, the song entitled "I Will Praise You" (the title track) will also be a song that will impact others long after her time on this earth has ended.  Not only does this song have a great melody, but (more importantly) it also has a great message. 
My decision to highlight this particular song does not in any way minimize the rest of the tracks on the CD.  As you can imagine, I could go through a detailed analysis of why I like each of the songs for some reason or another, but I will spare you from that.  All I'm saying is this: in my own personal opinion, "I Will Praise You" is the best song on the CD.

Kevin Bauer

1 comment:

  1. Great coincidental between you and me,even i can say that "I Will Praise You" is the best song.

    Recommendation Letters
