Monday, April 11, 2011

Remembering Leslie Nielsen

It was back in November of 2010 when actor Leslie Nielsen died.  I didn’t have a blog back then, but if I did, I would have discussed him.  I was reminded of him again the other day when I saw a trailer for the disaster comedy “Airplane” on a DVD.  The fact is, Nielsen left us a legacy: the glorious gift of laughter. 

Laughter is a gift from God.  I love to laugh, and I would suspect that most of us do not take advantage of this gift as much as we should.  Leslie Nielsen had an amazing talent for making people laugh.  One reason for this is because he had the skill of saying a ridiculously humorous statement with a completely straight face.  For example, in “Airplane” his character is having a conversation with the pilot.  The pilot says, “Surely you can't be serious.”  “I am serious,” Nielsen’s character replies.  “And don't call me Shirley!”  Once again, he said this with such a serious face that one couldn’t help but laugh.

Who could forget a vintage Nielsen moment in one of the “Naked Gun” movies?  I think it was in the original film where Nielsen’s character not only completely butchered the lyrics to the “Star Spangled Banner” but also sang it completely off-key.  I should have uploaded a clip of it from you tube or something, but I didn’t.  Check it out, it's hilarious! 
As I contemplated Nielsen’s legacy, I began to ask myself this question: what kind of legacy do I want to leave?  My answer is best summed up by an excerpt from Chris Tomlin's book “The Way I Was Made.”  In chapter 1, he writes this: “you were made for more than this world sells...because we were made for something greater.  We were created to shine the spotlight on God - to spread the fame of God everywhere we go.”  I want my legacy to be a life that “shined the spotlight on God.”  Not just in words, but also in deeds.

Some of you might be wondering why I would want this to be my legacy.  You may be saying, “You just want to divert all the attention away from you and onto God?  Why?  You only live once, right?”  The reason is because if one were to shine the spotlight on Kevin Bauer closely enough, they would find someone who is flawed, sinful, and unworthy.  But if God were to use me simply as a conduit to direct all the attention to Him, they would see Someone who is loving, trustworthy, and kind (to name just a few of God’s traits).

Let me close with a question: what kind of legacy do you want to leave?  Leslie Nielsen left one.  I’m going to leave one.  What about you?  What kind of legacy do you want to leave?

Kevin Bauer

(John 3:30)

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