Friday, June 10, 2011

Don't miss the beauty of a season

As you see from my list of interests, I love playing video games.  I have the old school systems like the Super Nintendo and the Nintendo 64.  One of my favorite video games from the Super Nintendo is a game that was released back in 1994 called Donkey Kong Country.  Although the plot is weak and silly (Donkey Kong’s prized hoard of bananas is stolen by a group of villains, so he has to get them back), some of the stages from the game are absolutely beautiful.  For instance, there is one stunning level with varying degrees of falling snow.  In my opinion, the graphics are good even by today’s standards. 
I have defeated the game numerous times over the years and so it’s easy for me to mentally look past a level and think to myself, “The next level coming up is fun.”  However, I try to refrain from looking ahead because I’ve learned that if I look ahead to the next level, I inadvertently miss the beauty of the level I’m currently playing.
At times in my life, I have done what I am also prone to do with the levels of a video game.  I look past a particular season or stage of my life, only to miss the beauty of it because I’m focusing so much on the next season.  For example, I might miss the beauty of the single life if I always focus on being married one day.  Desiring marriage is not wrong, of course, but I don't want to essentially blind myself to the gifts of singleness by focusing so intently on married life.
Perhaps what I’ve shared in my life you struggle with too.  You may not be in the same season as I am, but you still get my point.  I say to you what I’ve had to say to myself: don’t miss the beauty of a season.
Kevin Bauer

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