Friday, June 17, 2011

A shameful display

I'm not really a big hockey fan, but it captured my attention when the Stanley Cup Finals went to a winner-take-all Game 7 between the Boston Bruins and Vancouver Canucks.  Boston ended up winning the game and became the champions of hockey.

But shocking images occurred after the game as the Vancouver fans began rioting in the streets.  I just saw some the images for the first time this morning and it is absolutely shameful.  Their behavior was clearly wrong.  The violence, the anarchy, the people they've left in the hospital.  What a regrettable episode.

To me, what makes this even more shameful is that this behavior erupted over something as ultimately trivial as sports.  Now, don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that rioting like this would have been right if it was the result of politics or something that like.  What they did was wrong no matter what prompted it.  But over sports?

I've been keeping an eye on the news regarding a possible NFL lockout.  I've been wondering if there will be a full season, a shortened season, or any season at all.  But even if there is no NFL season, so be it.  I've loved football since I was a very small boy, but sports (including hockey) are meant to be nothing more than entertainment.  It should never, ever get to the point where you go out and injure innocent bystanders in the streets because your team lost.  That is absurd.

Kevin Bauer    

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