Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas time is here

Well, the Christmas season is now officially upon us!  One of the staples of my Christmas season is watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”  It always puts me in the Christmas spirit.  My favorite scene of the movie is when Charlie Brown in desperation, cries out, “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?”  His friend Linus, responds, “Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about.”  Then, verbatim Linus quotes Luke 2:8-13, which recounts how an angel proclaimed the birth of Jesus to a group of shepherds.  “For today in the city of David,” the angel announced, “there has been born to you a Savior, Christ the Lord” (verse 11; NASB).  After all this Linus concludes by saying, “That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.” 

I love what Linus did for Charlie Brown.  He lifted his friend’s eyes upward to consider Jesus Christ.  As you’ll recall, Charlie Brown was feeling discouraged about all the commercialism of the Christmas season.  Quite frankly, that commercialism hasn’t subsided, it has gotten worse.  To clarify, I’m not against the Christmas traditions by any means.  In fact, let me just add as we enter this Christmas season, by all means decorate the tree, sing Christmas carols, do your Christmas shopping, watch Christmas movies (don’t forget “A Charlie Brown Christmas”), but in the midst of all that you do, please remember the reason that we celebrate Christmas in the first place: to commemorate the coming of Jesus Christ to this earth.


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