Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reflecting on the Broncos and Tim Tebow

At one point last month, the Broncos were sitting at 1- 4 and at the bottom of their division.  They decided to switch quarterbacks from Kyle Orton to Tim Tebow.  Under Tebow, the Broncos have only lost once!  They are 4 - 1 with him as the starter.  Denver, almost miraculously, is a five hundred team as they now stand at 5 - 5, coming off another exciting victory this time over the Jets on Thursday night.  Somehow, Denver could possibly go to the playoffs thanks to a weak AFC West division this year - they are only a half-game out of first place behind the Raiders. 

As an NFL fan and as a Broncos fan, it has certainly been fun to watch.  But I have to bring up that since I’m a big Tim Tebow fan it has made this Broncos season even more personal than it usually is for me, thus it’s quite gratifying to see the success that the team has achieved.  By the way, notice that I did say “team.”  It is silly to think that the Broncos won these games exclusively because of Tim, even though he’s getting a lot of media attention.  Every win in football is always a team effort. 
I came across a very interesting article written by Doug Farrar.  Check this out, there’s a lot of great stuff in this link, ranging from a great picture of Tebow giving thanks to God, to Tim's quote about how he wants to be a role model to others, and show that while he isn’t perfect, he is trying to honor God and do the right thing in his life.;_ylt=ApqWrhmNXQu1wVc.U8PpNpvSrYZ4?urn=nfl-wp12079


“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” - Philippians 1:27  

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