Thursday, November 17, 2011

Some more words on the subject of choice

For some reason, I have been into watching video games online lately (on the website You  I guess it’s because of the high quality of the games today; I really feel like I’m watching a movie not a simple video game.

One of the games that I watched was “Spider-Man: Web of Shadows.”  This game is fascinating because at different junctures in the game, the player can choose to do the right thing or the wrong thing.  There are actually several different endings based on what the player has chosen throughout the game.  It’s intriguing to see the end results of what happens if the player chooses to go down the path of making certain wrong choices. 

As I said in the last blog, there are many times in life when we are presented with following the path of the righteous or following the path of the unrighteous.  I for one want to follow the path of the righteous.  Some might wonder, “Why not just choose to sow some wild oats?”  Two reasons: Number 1: because when we choose unrighteousness, it is dishonoring to God.  My life’s ambition is simply to honor and glorify God; it’s why I was born.  To choose sin is never glorifying to God.

The second reason is because when we make the wrong choice, it has inevitable consequences in our lives.  For instance, our sex-saturated culture sends us the message that it’s perfectly acceptable to have sex with whoever you want.  But the fact is, there are inevitable consequences to going down the road of sexual promiscuity.  Such as sexually transmitted diseases, the possibility of getting pregnant, feelings of guilt and shame, and losing a sense of closeness with God, to name just a few.

One last thought: some of you might be saying, “Not every wrong choice is as severe as the example you gave of sexual impurity.”  Fair enough.  I can concede that point.  “Web of Shadows” actually highlights this point as well.  At some junctions in the game, the decision to do wrong didn’t really produce anything dire; the results were actually fairly inconsequential.  That said, big or small, we should always choose to do right.  We are creatures of habit, thus if we habitually choose to do the right thing, whenever the big choices do come up, it will be easier to decide to go with the righteous choice, because we will be in the habit.


“Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather…offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness” - Romans 6:13

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